January 20, 2012

The GetRealHockey.Com community is almost ready for launch

We are working hard on updating our image.  The new site www.getrealhockey.com will bring you all the latest NHL, KHL, EIHL, and EPL news. 

The team of bloggers will be the best in the business and we think you will enjoy their takes on all the plays and their profiles of the best players in the business. 

If you think you have what it takes to be part of the team and you can blog, take pictures, or do video interviews; we want to hear from you @ getrealhockey@gmail.com.  We have entered into some very interesting partnerships that provide our bloggers with strong visibility.  HuffingtonPost.ca, Sponvo.com, and Hockey_Community.com are all linked into our site.  Being part of the GetRealHockey team is a natural fit for anyone who wants a career in sports and hockey.

The site will also be the best in the business to offer real NHL VIP experiences.  Fans will be able to log into GetRealHockey.com and find events that are upscale and exclusive involving their favorite on ice heroes. If you are a vendor of NHL experiences like golf tournaments, alumni cruises, or fundraising dinners; please contact us @ getrealhockey@gmail.com

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